
B2B Commerce offers a comprehensive set of tools and features that help businesses streamline their online sales processes and improve customer satisfaction.

What is B2B Commerce?

B2B Commerce is an ecommerce platform designed specifically for businesses that sell to other businesses. It provides businesses with the ability to create customized online storefronts that allow their customers to browse, search, and purchase products or services directly from the website.

Improved customer satisfaction

B2B Commerce provides businesses with a platform to create a more streamlined and efficient online sales process, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction.

Increased revenue

B2B Commerce can help businesses increase revenue by providing a more efficient and effective way to sell products or services to their customers.

Simplified sales process

B2B Commerce provides businesses with the ability to manage all aspects of their online sales process from a single platform, which can help to simplify the sales process and reduce costs.


From intuitive user interfaces to flexible customization options, Storefront offers a tailored platform for businesses to showcase products, and facilitate transactions.

Customizable storefront

Design storefronts in a way that reflects your brand and makes it stand out from the competition.

Personalized product recommendations and search results

provide relevant product recommendations and search results to their customers based on their browsing and purchase history.

Dynamic pricing and discount rules based on customer type or order quantity

Offer customized pricing and discounts to customers based on their order history or quantity.

Intuitive navigation and search capabilities

Ensures that customers can easily find what they are looking for, leading to a smooth shopping experience.

Manage Accounts

Gain full visibility into customer interactions, track sales performance, and nurture long-term relationships.

  • Self-service account management for customers, including order history and reordering capabilities.

  • Account hierarchies to reflect complex organizational structures and purchasing workflows.

  • Real-time inventory updates and availability information.

  • Customizable payment and shipping options for each customer account.

Sales And Order Management

From capturing leads to processing orders, track and manage the entire sales cycle with ease. Empower your sales team with intuitive tools to generate quotes, negotiate pricing, and convert leads into customers.


Quote and proposal generation with configurable product options and pricing rules.

Enables businesses to generate quotes and proposals for customers with configurable product options and pricing rules.


Streamlined order entry and fulfillment processes.

Streamlines order entry and fulfillment processes with automated approval workflows.


Integration with back-office systems, such as ERP and CRM.

Ensures that all data is synced in real-time between different systems for smooth order management.


Collaboration tools for sales teams.

Enables sales teams to collaborate effectively with shared calendars and activity tracking.

Marketing and Analytics

Targeted marketing campaigns

Allows businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns based on customer segmentation and behavior data.

Comprehensive analytics and reporting

Provides businesses with the tools to track sales and customer engagement metrics for better decision-making.

Integration with third-party marketing tools, such as email marketing and social media advertising

Allows businesses to integrate with third-party marketing tools for better reach and engagement.

A/B testing and optimization

Enables businesses to test different marketing strategies and optimize them for better conversion rates.

Security and Compliance

Protect sensitive customer data, secure transactions, and ensure adherence to industry regulations and standards.

Case Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between B2B and B2C commerce?

B2B commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services between businesses, while B2C commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services between businesses and consumers.

Can B2B commerce be customized to meet my business's unique needs?

Yes, B2B commerce solutions like Salesforce’s B2B Commerce offer a variety of customization options to meet the unique needs of each business. Our team of experts can work with you to design and implement a solution that meets your specific requirements.

What are some of the key benefits of B2B commerce?

B2B commerce can help businesses improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction. By streamlining the sales process and providing personalized experiences for customers, B2B commerce can help businesses stay ahead of the competition.

Is B2B commerce secure?

Yes, B2B commerce solutions like Salesforce’s B2B Commerce are designed with security in mind. These solutions offer features like secure checkout, user authentication, and role-based access control to ensure that sensitive information is protected.

Can B2B commerce solutions integrate with my existing systems?

Yes, B2B commerce solutions are designed to integrate with a wide range of existing systems, including ERP, CRM, and marketing automation systems. This integration can help businesses streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency.

Can B2B Commerce integrate with our existing business systems?

Yes, B2B Commerce can integrate with a variety of third-party business systems, such as ERP and CRM software. Our team of experts can work with you to ensure a seamless integration that meets your unique business needs.

Can B2B Commerce handle large order volumes?

Yes, B2B Commerce is designed to handle large order volumes and can easily scale with your business as it grows.

How does B2B Commerce help improve customer satisfaction?

B2B Commerce provides a streamlined online ordering process that makes it easy for customers to find the products they need, view pricing and inventory information, and place orders quickly and easily. This can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing a more efficient and seamless ordering experience.

Can B2B Commerce help us reduce order errors?

Yes, B2B Commerce can help reduce order errors by providing customers with accurate pricing and inventory information in real-time, and by automating the quoting and proposal process. This can help eliminate common errors such as incorrect pricing or inventory levels, leading to fewer returns and improved customer satisfaction.

Can B2B Commerce help us expand our customer base?

Yes, B2B Commerce can help you expand your customer base by providing a more efficient and seamless ordering process that can attract new customers and retain existing ones. Additionally, B2B Commerce provides tools for managing customer accounts, such as custom pricing and catalogs, that can help you better serve your existing customers and attract new ones.


About us

With a passion for delivering excellence, we help businesses transform their operations. Our team of experienced professionals combines deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge expertise to deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. We are committed to building long-term partnerships, fostering collaboration. Trust us to be your strategic technology partner and embark on a journey of success together.

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